Canceling The Dream of College

by • June 17, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Canceling The Dream of College5659

There is a bubble on horizon and it’s blocking out the sun.  Student loan debt has been exploding at a dangerous rate and it is getting worse. Terrible fiscal policies leading into and encouraged by President Obama’s first five years have done nothing to stem the rapidly expanding balloon of college debts. The government has been meddling with student loans, loaning money at absurdly low rates and encouraging banks to give everyone and their mother access to  a never ending pool of money.  And because it is so easy to get money, money that isn’t deserved, universities across the land have used this as an excuse to ramp up tuition, spending tuition dollars before students set foot on campus.  When this balloon pops, who will be left holding the bag? U.S.


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Photo: Chris Devers via Flickr

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