by Capitalist Union Editors • June 24, 2013 • News Archive • Comments Off on “Monday Common Sense Corner” Headlines To Review • 1445
Senate overwhelmingly passes ‘border surge’ 67 senators from both parties for a so-called “border surge” deal on Monday strongly signaled that a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws will clear the Senate later this week.
The Internal Revenue Service sent $7,319,518 in tax refunds in 2011 to what theoretically were 2,706 aliens who were not authorized to work inside the United States and who all used the same bank account!!
The Obama administration launched its promotion of the new health care law in earnest Monday, revealing that it has asked the National Football League to advertise options
The economy isn’t getting better and the unemployment numbers we keep seeing are far from accurate. According to CNN Money, 76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck
Stocks Get Hit, But End Off Day’s Lows Stocks came well off their session lows, but still finished lower after a volatile session Monday
Google says tighter EU search regulations would ‘hurt’ innovation