2 Different Strategies and 1 BIG Mistake

by • January 9, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on 2 Different Strategies and 1 BIG Mistake1832

Let’s get this out of the way, Chris Christie is the big mistake, pun intended. He has the charisma, he has the right friends, but he is a fool for thinking he could run for the highest office in the land and not have every skeleton, BIG or small, dragged from his closet.  Silver lining,  Mollie Hemingway over at The Federalist points out that Chris Christie’s little mistake is a prime example of how much control politicians have over our lives, and we have no idea.  The fact that anyone could cause a traffic jam for some stupid political gain is scary, far scarier than any NSA mass data sweep.

Robert Frost once wrote about ‘TWO roads diverged..’ and he goes on to consider two seemingly comparable paths that lay before him, today we stand at the same threshold. Path the first follows the over utilized strategy of smoke and mirrors taxing tricks like  TIFF districts and Tax Free Zones. Strategies like these manipulate demand by falsely inflating the demand for businesses in areas where demand isn’t. The other path follows the strategy that businesses should be allowed to determine their fate, not be forced by the Govt to reduced wage hours to meet some superfluous mandate. Which path we take has already been chosen for us, but the beauty of this country and our Constitution, it’s never too late to turn back.


-> Chris Christie’s Accidental Argument For Limited Government


-> THIS IS A GREAT STRETEGY: Saving The 40hr Work Week

-> The 15 US Cities That Are Driving The Future

-> Janet Yellen: The Sixteen Trillion Dollar Woman

-> 7 Steps to a Convincing Apology (You’re Welcome, Governor Christie) 

-> The Physics of Mind Control

Top Photo: SHUN [iamtekn] via Flickr

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