Stopping The Bank of Crony Capitalism

by • June 26, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Stopping The Bank of Crony Capitalism5951

The  Export-Import Bank is as corrupt as the day is long, according to anyone who has ever read an IG report about the Ex-Im.  This is the Bank of Crony Capitalism and it’s wasting our money. The list of companies who have received large sums of taxpayer cash, only to find out their product is crap, is only trumped by the list of cronies connected to said companies. But the winds are changing. Newly bestowed House majority leader Kevin McCarthy is the man to do away with the Ex-Im and he’s already talking about doing so. The last House leader was pulling for the Ex-Im and look what happened to him…


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Photo: Viewminder via Flikr

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