The Key To Downsizing Govt

by • April 9, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on The Key To Downsizing Govt1233

The key to downsizing government lies in guys like Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) and the reports he puts out.  The Senator puts out two annual reports that are of particular note, the Wastebook and the Duplication Report.  While the Wastebook is a wealth of stupid spending and questionable grant programs, the Duplication Report is a outline of the multiple different governmental agencies doing the same thing.  To date, the retiring Senator and the rest of the non-partisans at the Government Accountability Office have found 188 areas where the fat could be trimmed and save US tens of billions of dollars, a year.  But that’d make too much sense.


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Photo: Sam UL via Flickr

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