Illinois Politics Scams It’s Way Into Presidential Library History

by • April 25, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Illinois Politics Scams It’s Way Into Presidential Library History1428

It’s no surprise that a state where 4 of its last 7 governors were convicted and imprisoned for running scams of their own, that the push for a presidential library in Illinois has started with a scam.  Illinois Speaker of the House, Mike Madigan, is allegedly as corrupt as they come and this past week is a prime example of such allegations.  When a House committee in Illinois convened without it’s Republican representation, the committee’s chairman jumped at the chance to approve a controversial $100m spending plan for the Barack Obama Presidential Library to be built in Chicago. The best part, the chairman -with the backing and assumed guidance of Mike Madigan- lied about the vote, calling it a unanimous ‘Yes’ vote.  How can people not in attendance vote yes for something they don’t want?  They can’t but in Illinois, when Dark Lord Madigan says jump, the rest of the party pushes over the opposition and jumps……up and down on them.


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Photo: marsmet521 via Flickr

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