Head For The Hills

by • April 14, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Head For The Hills2249

On the eve of Tax Day, let’s ponder why more companies are leaving US for foreign lands.  For starters, our extremely complex tax laws make it easy to pack up shop and head over seas through a process called ‘inversion.’  Look at Walgreens, they are a big time player in retail pharma, yet they are exploring a very enticing deal that would save them saving millions in tax revenue by moving to Europe.  The confusing laws that will keep so many of US up tonight and tomorrow scrambling to pay our ‘fair share’ to Uncle Sam, are the same confusing laws that entice companies like Walgreens to head for the hills, maybe if things were simpler, it would be harder spend our money on a federal level?


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Photo: stuant63 via Flickr

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