Socialist Speak For Taxes: ‘Shared Responsibility Payment’

by • February 28, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Socialist Speak For Taxes: ‘Shared Responsibility Payment’1518

The IRS is re-classifying the Obamacare Mandate Tax, it’s now a “Shared Responsibility Payment.”  Oddly enough, the Affordable Care Act passed Constitutional muster in the Supreme Court because it was a ruled tax, not a regulation.  And even further, the President has used this fact to tweak Obamacare via executive order.  All this being said, the IRS still has the gall to call this a ‘Shared Responsibility Payment.’  But maybe it’s unfair to criticize the IRS, it does have a better ring to it and really is a more accurate description, than ‘Individual Mandate.’


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Top Photo: found_dramavia Flickr

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