If At First You Don’t Succeed, Jam It Down Their Throats

by • December 18, 2013 • Top StoryComments Off on If At First You Don’t Succeed, Jam It Down Their Throats1399

The newest move to save Obamacare is….an ‘adult’ in a onesie. Yep, a onesie. If you log on to BarackObama.com/talk – you will be greeted with one of the dumbest ploys every seen.  The fine folks at Organizing for Action have put together a full-proof guide to talking about Obamacare with your kids. Within in the guide they provide tips, talking points and scripted conversations so parents everywhere can forget about the true meaning of the holidays and talk about the things that matter with their kids, healthcare. But they’re overlooking a huge piece of Obamacare -anyone under the age of 26 can stay on their parents insurance plan.  So, in theory, the ‘kids’ they are targeting are 27+, and either Organizing for Action is failing to give 27 year olds any credit/responsibility for managing their own lives, or future is doomed to be run by pajama wearing morons.


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