Obamacare, the War on Men, and Tijuana Park Benches

by • September 25, 2013 • Top StoryComments Off on Obamacare, the War on Men, and Tijuana Park Benches1664

As Sen. Ted Cruz analogizes Obamacare to Dr. Seuss, the bright folks at the Manhattan Institute have begun to breakdown the state-by-state premium increases caused by Obamacare and compiled it in to a hand-dandy interactive map.  Their data shows that Obamacare is akin to a war on men, wherein, men will see their rates go up by almost 99%, 40 points higher than their female counterparts.  But hey, the EPA is building park benches made from garbage for Tijuana, lucky them.


-> Obama lies to U.N.

-> Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women

-> Labor Dept. Employees Spend $3.8 Million at Target, Chick-fil-A

-> U.S. Paying $25K to Make Park Benches from Garbage for Tijuana

-> Census: State and Local Income, Sales, Motor Fuel, Motor Vehicle, and Alcoholic Beverage Taxes Hit All-Time Highs

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Top Photo: Boston Public Library via Flickr

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