Side Effects of Obamacare

Obamacare debacle: Companies Batten-Down the Hatches Ahead of Oct 1

by • August 31, 2013 • Top StoryComments Off on Obamacare debacle: Companies Batten-Down the Hatches Ahead of Oct 11583

As with all Socialist programs, the ones hurt first are those the program says it is there to help. As October 1, the effective days for Obamacare draws closer, business in in a finishline sprint of their own, to pare their workforce, rejigger employee hours, and whatever else is necessary to defend against this load of bull heading for their china shop.


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As we drawer closer to the full implementation of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (i.e.”Obamacare”), a growing list of restaurants and eateries have decided as a cost-cutting measure to cut back their employees’ hours.

Republican congressional leaders, in a fresh strategy after repeatedly failing to dismantle President Barack Obama’s health-care law, are leaning toward an effort to postpone it rather than choke off funding.

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