by Capitalist Union Editors • July 25, 2013 • News Archive, Top Story • Comments Off on Who does Steve Cohen think He is a Senator or Congressman? “SAC Capital Is Indicted for Insider Trading” • 1615
Federal authorities announced a raft of criminal charges on Thursday against SAC Capital, the hedge fund run by the billionaire Steven A. Cohen
The hedge fund billionaires Steven A. Cohen, Paul Singer and Daniel Loeb were among the titans of finance there dining among the gray velvet banquettes before heading several blocks away to what they hoped would be a victory party for their presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.
The federal government is breathing down Steve Cohen’s neck with an insider-trading investigation that has spooked some of his investors, but that has not stopped Cohen from making money in financial markets. In 2012, his Stamford, Conn., SAC Capital Advisors, which manages $14 billion