by Capitalist Union Editors • July 5, 2013 • News Archive • Comments Off on Oil prices jumped nearly $2 a barrel on Friday to notch their biggest weekly gain in a year, crude oil prices extended their string of 14-month highs • 1255
Oil prices jumped nearly $2 a barrel on Friday to notch their biggest weekly gain in a year,
Private Growing North American oil supplies promise to bolster U.S. energy security, but they already are helping deliver a more global benefit: stable oil prices
“Tucked inside a massive tax bill that won the support of Pennsylvania legislators Monday is a nod to oil and gas investors who’ve been battling with the state Department of Revenue for half a dozen years.”
Private investments in the clean tech industry totaled $1.76 billion in the second quarter, up 56% from the first quarter, according to a new report from the Cleantech Group
what if electric vehicles are a bad idea from an environmental standpoint, too? An environmental activist who once pushed for EVs and now works as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley now calls electric vehicles “unclean at any speed”