Obamacare Burns Through Cash Faster Than V. Stiviano….

by • May 14, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Obamacare Burns Through Cash Faster Than V. Stiviano….1447

The numbers are in and it they paint a sad picture of Obamacare.  Less than a year into the roll out of nationwide healthcare exchanges and the total number of tax dollars spent on websites alone is $5 billion.  When you factor in the number of exchanges that have already collapsed under mismanagement and disinterest, plus the number of ‘Navigators’ being paid a hefty wage, the ROI of this endeavor is miserable.  But hey, at least Joe Biden is gung-ho for the cross country pipeline that could spur millions of dollars in economic growth, too bad it’s in Ukraine.


-> Over $5 Billion and Counting for Obamacare Websites

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Top Photo: purpleslog via Flickr

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