Cronyism Stinks Up America

by • March 18, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Cronyism Stinks Up America1486

The Economist has an interesting analysis of crony capitalism that has been compiled into a handy-dandy index. There is a big ‘red flag’ in the Economist’s reporting tho, they omitted key pieces of cronyism in the US, such as Hollywood’s role in pushing agendas, the healthcare system’s role in fundraising for select candidates, and of course the DC norm of awarding ‘grants’ to those connected to the right people (Solyndra?).  While the US is better off than many other countries, the Economist’s errors strike to the heart of what’s wrong with media in this country, they pick and choose the truth the tell.  Is it lying by omission?  You decide.


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Photo: Thwip! (Formerly Macwagen) via Flickr

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