Sección de Metichismo (Department of Meddling)

The EPA Meddles, the Fed Dabbles, and the UN Panders

by • September 23, 2013 • Top StoryComments Off on The EPA Meddles, the Fed Dabbles, and the UN Panders1506

Under the infinite wisdom of the EPA, new regulations rolled out on Friday aimed at making the coal industry more competitive in a “carbon-constrained world.”  To recap, more restriction = more competitive ::FACEPALM::  Combine the EPA’s need to meddle in business with the Fed’s campaign to reaffirm their existence and the UN General Assembly in NYC, this week will set the tone for what is destine to be a pivotal close to a tumultuous year.  At least your fingerprints are secure on your shiny, new gold iPhone.


-> EPA Eyes a Brave New ‘Carbon-Constrained’ World

-> Strap In for an Active Week for Markets

-> Have you noticed the fastest-growing states all have Republican governors?

-> Five burning questions about high-stakes UN General Assembly

-> Hacker group claims to have cracked Apple’s iPhone 5S fingerprint scanner

Top Photo: Sam Beebe, Ecotrust via Flickr

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