by Capitalist Union Editors •
July 26, 2013 •
News Archive, Top Story •
Comments Off on Today’s Assaults, Frauds & Misnomers that are Affecting Capitalism in America •

Obamacare Call Center Will Not Offer Healthcare Benefits to Employees
“Tentatively, in October, we’re going to vote on a border security bill, an interior enforcement bill, a bill for legal immigration,” the Wisconsin Republican
“I’m not doing this for politics,” Ryan later said. “I think it’s the right thing to do for the country.”
U.S. federal debt has been stuck at $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 68 straight days
National Debt Stacked in Dollar Bills Would Stretch from Earth to Moon Five Times
Obama’s fact-challenged inequality speech, “Damn Stupid Facts”..
5 horrible job stats Obama failed to mention during his Knox College speech