Penny For Your Thoughts on Regulation…

by • June 6, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Penny For Your Thoughts on Regulation…1830

Regulations in this country are a hidden counter force that has held the American Dream down and sucked vital money out of the ‘Free Market.’ Here are five startling facts about regulations in the US: 1) There are more than 1 million regulatory restrictions that impose a significant burden on the economy. 2) The federal regulatory state costs the economy an additional $1.86 trillion annually. 3) Federal regulations amount to a hidden tax of almost $15,000 per household.  4) Every year, more than 3,600 new regulations hit the books—a rate of nearly ten new rules per day. 5) If it were its own country, the federal regulatory state would be the world’s tenth-largest economy—larger than that of Canada, Italy, or India.


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Photo: marsmet531 via Flickr

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