Congress Grows A Pair

by • March 14, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on Congress Grows A Pair1444

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.  The do nothing Congress has finally done something, stand up for the Constitution and the balance of power in DC.  While the President has been circumventing Congress via his pen and cell phone, Congress has mostly sat idly by and let Obama erode what semblance of a 3 branch system, but not anymore.  The growing feud between the CIA and Congress is hopefully the first step in realizing that, via cronyism, the President has been able to use the NSA, CIA, HHS, IRS, and probably other powerful abbreviations we don’t even know about, to intimidate Americans.  Hopefully, this is not the last battleground.


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Top Photo: Valokuvaaja Joonas Tikkanen via Flickr

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