How Do Elite Millionaires Connect With Average US?

by • January 10, 2014 • Top StoryComments Off on How Do Elite Millionaires Connect With Average US?1562

The answer is, they don’t.  That’s why this country is where it is, almost a third of population out of the work force, the middle class is being crushed by terrible policies, and the Federal Debt is an unimaginable number. To find a raw deal like this, you’d have to rewind back to this great country’s inception and those forces that drove US to throw off our ‘leaders’ are at work today. How do we change this? Information. It sounds cliche, but the further we pull back the lid on what is being done to US, the sooner we get back to what makes this country great: the open and free pursuit of happiness, in whatever form it may take.


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Top Photo: Jessa-Minnie via Flickr

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