Political Future Uncertain for Dr. Ben Carson

by • April 27, 2013 • Small storyComments Off on Political Future Uncertain for Dr. Ben Carson1486

Dr. Ben Carson's Political Future Uncertain - via CapitalistUnion.com

Dr. Ben Carson spoke to a capacity crowd of conservatives in Atlanta this week. His speech covered several points of interest to fans of both his surgical work, and his political leanings. He seemed to downplay enthusiastic talk about a Prwsidential bid in 2016, saying

“Recognize that I am a surgeon. And surgeons tend to do things based on empirical data. They tend to plan things and strategize, as opposed to flying by the seat of their pants,” Carson said in a Journal-Constitution interview prior to his speech. “But I’m doing it more to try to create an atmosphere of open discussion than I’m trying to create a platform for myself.

“Maybe I’m more like John the Baptist, preparing the way,” he said.

The quotes are excerpts from an article appearing in the Atlanta Journal Constitution today (link below).
One thing’s for sure, he is in a great position to effect change and influence the direction of the debate–whether from the stump, or as a private citizen.
Dr. Ben Carson article on Atlanta Journal Constitution

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